Enable predictive maintenance or optimization by comparing the model to the actual production.
Is a specific value difficult to measure? Model it based on real production inputs and Studio 5000 Simulation Interface anticipates changes before production.
Employ a Model-in-the-loop TechniqueĮven in a production environment, a model can help. Use with ANSYS simulation-based digital twin, integrate with MATLAB and Simulink or connect ROM exports from simulation tools like MapleSIM. Studio 5000 Simulation Interface works with simulation tools to provide more flexible design choices, earlier insight and experimentation options. Directly from your PC, you can run a simulation and programmable logic controller program (through an emulator or hardware controller). You’ll see first hand how it works before installation. Connect a Studio 5000 Logix program to a simulation of your application. Design by Using a Modelĭo you wish you had a model of your application to test you logic with? Now you can with Studio 5000 Simulation Interface. With Studio 5000 design environment, you can add Studio 5000 Simulation Interface and connect third-party simulation software to a Studio 5000 Logix program or fine-tune a model that’s already in production. Want to change what’s possible for your business? Build, test and prove machine designs digitally instead of physically.